Interview with Safa Shaqsy

h2  Today let’s Welcome a fellow SciFi, SciFan Author Safa Shaqsy!

She is also a fellow member of the SciFan writers Society on Facebook.



AL- First off, Safa, what was the inspiration behind this story?


SS- I had the inspiration for my book Alien Busters from science fiction movies and animations that talks about the relationship of humans with aliens. My book was planned to be a four chapters novelette to give it to my subscribers through my website. But it turned out to be very interesting and I enjoyed writing it, and still am.


AL- A short story turned full novel. I think we have all done that. Think we are writing a quick story and it becomes something more. Tell us about your main character.

SS- My main character is Nathalie, AKA Nat. She is a very strong female protagonist who fights aliens as her day job, just like her parents did when they were alive. But she has a soft heart when it comes to little creatures, such as baby aliens. Because in her mission she finds this baby alien and refuse to kill it, so she takes it home and start taking care of it as her alien pet.


AL- The description kind of reminds me of Men In Black, and that baby birth scene. Tell us which is your favorite minor character and why.

SS-  I like doctor Suzanne, because she seems to care about Nathalie and her case. And she offers her help anytime she gets in trouble, or if she has a question in mind.

AL- So what would you say is your favorite personality trait of your main character?

SS- She is very confident with her decisions and she knows what she is doing all the time. She still does what she thinks is right, even though the whole city is against her.


Al- Sounds like she is a strong-willed, morally confidant woman.  What would you say is your favorite personality trait of your bad guy or girl?


SS- One thing I noticed in my novels that I don’t completely create 100 percent a bad person or an antagonist. Everyone is good and bad at the same time. Good people can do bad things
sometimes, and bad people can seem bad, but they have good intentions. So it was very
hard for me to kill anyone in my novels.


AL- So they could go either way at any time. I don’t like killing off characters in my books either. I like things to stay a bit more upbeat. Tell us something funny about one of your characters.


SS-  My characters tend to mock and act in a sarcastic way even in bad situations.

AL- Sounds like a fun bunch. Let’s say one of your characters is going on a shopping spree. Where does they go and what do they buy?

SS- Nathalie will buy something dark of course. As for Kraig he is dark skinned and loves wearing leather jackets, even when it’s hot outside. Anderson would probably wear a sports outfit or a large dark T-shirt and trousers.


AL- I am sensing a gothish theme in their wardrobe here. What is one of your favorite lines or paragraphs from your book?

SS- I like the phrase Nathalie’s dad used to say in his speeches about aliens, which is “If you only believed”.


AL- How long did it take you to write this book?

SS- First part was supposed to be a novelette about 43 kindle pages (4 chapters), but now I’m writing more of it, and hopefully will publish 250 pages paperback books!

AL- That really did take off into a full story didn’t it! If your book was made into a movie, who would you like to play the lead characters?



SS- I don’t want any known actor/actress in my movie. I’d definitely choose someone new in the field. Because my characters have to be raw and not have the glamour of the popularity.
AL- Well I am sure the newcomers would appreciate your view. How did you come up with the title?

SS-  Nathalie, Kraig and Andie work as Alien Busters, so the title was it.

AL- Sometimes the titles are easy to come by, aren’t they? Other times coming up with one is a work of art in itself. Speaking of art tell us about your cover art and how it pertains to your story.

SS- The first blue cover I had for this story was a guy dressed in a mission suit in space, but I changed the cover to a female who wears a mission suit that represents Nathalie.

AL- So the big question; Of all the books out there, why should readers choose this one?

SS-  I think I represent alien and human friendship in a new way.

AL- They say fiction can often provide powerful life lessons. What message do you hope readers get from your book?

SS-  All the books I wrote can contain many messages and the most important ones were; support, love, friendship, uniqueness and humanity.



Thank you for visiting the blog today and telling us about your book, Safa.

If you want to learn more about Safa and the worlds she creates visit the links below.



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